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96 GTS
S2 licensed
I just leave the fuel at 50% coming into a server, then if I'm feeling good about a combo, I'll actually put in the right amount.

Regarding setups, simply typing, "Can someone send me a setup for this track?" works wonders, you frequently get more than one racer sending you a setup that way.

A little politeness goes a long way online.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Hmm, all I can say is make sure the wheel rotation in LFS is the same as it is in your Game Controllers setup screen, as that that make things weird. Other than that, make sure spring effect and damper effect are turned off, as well as the centering spring turned off. All these settings are under the game controllers menu in the control panel. Hope this helps.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
They can't be XFRs, they can hit a curb without rolling over
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Happy birthday Tristian, and take a break from Spamming
96 GTS
S2 licensed
I guess it doesn't look that bad, but the wheels totally throw me off, makes the whole model look cheesy IMHO
96 GTS
S2 licensed
That makes me sick. I had planned to go to the USGP a day early to go to the BMW Pitlane park, but if it's rFactor, I don't know if it'll be worth it.

Also, am I the only one that thinks the rFactor version of the Sauber looks like crap?
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from amigaguy :About my air intake: Well, I didn't mount it... but it does have a purpose. It cools my intercooler which is rather usefull since my engine produces 190 HP. And it won't look so stupid when I get it repainted to match the color of the car

About the name, it doesn't really have to be named AE86 in the game, they could just use a fake name and make a similar model.

How is your intercooler mounted? I've never seen an intercooler anywhere but right behind the front grille. Mounting an intercooler right on top of the engine isn't very smart, as the heat from the engine kind of defeats the purpose of having an intercooler. Also, how is your car turbocharged yet only makes 190 hp? It must be a very small turbo.
Did you purchase your computer or build it from scratch?
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Title says it all. I've been looking at LFS rigs, and it seems to me that the vast majority of racers are playing on computers they built themselves. So, I'm wondering what percentage it actually is.

I built mine, btw.
Last edited by 96 GTS, .
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from xxtrashcanxx :I am not American. Ich liebe Deutchland.
LFS and X-plane are sims not games.

Why the hell do we care if you're American or not? It doesn't make your post any different whether you're from Australia, Austria, Laos, Germany, Russia, or Mars. illepall
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Here's mine. There's a similar thread in the hardware section, btw, but I think this is different enough to warrant it's own thread.

Intel P4 3.2GHz
1 GB Ram
ATi 9550
1024x768 on a 15" Samsung
Logitech Z-2300 2.1 speakers
Last edited by 96 GTS, .
96 GTS
S2 licensed
You can actually die in nKPro??

I found this a very entertaining read. GPL never ceases to amaze me, it was way ahead of it's time, for 1998 it's absolutely brilliant. Not much to say about LFS that hasn't been said, it's amazing physics wise, plain and simple.

By the way, Live for Speed does have configurable sessions in multiplayer, the article says it doesn't.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
19 here.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from Lord_Verminaard : ... 754844569110939&q=mac ... 2263641017&q=mac+suck

My god, that second one was the funniest thing I've seen on the internet since that Japanese guy reviewed rFactor. Brilliant!!
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Could you post those vids? Boost is usually dumped VERY fast at zero throttle, but most boost gauges have the vacuum side included as well (LFS Doesnt, and should.... Hint hint.) which affects what you're seeing. THere needs to be no boost when it's not needed or bad things happen, so IMO LFS does that part right. It's just this whole "positive feedback" effect that's backwards in LFS.. Bah, don't get me going.

I'm guessing those cars had and Anti-Lag system fitted to maintain boost during shifts.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
That was pretty dumb. The guy in the red car should've just straightlined the chicane on the third lap. It would only be fair...
96 GTS
S2 licensed
When S2 first came out, I ate my entire lunch whilst racing on the oval with the FO8, I actually placed second, too.

Now on the straights I munch from the box of Cheez-Its at my desk or look out the window to see if any cool cars pass by.

I've also done an entire race at Blackwood while talking on my moble, but that didn't work all that well.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
I like the FXO, as it reminds me of my RL car, and in terms of racing, TBO is far and away my favorite class. In terms of sheer driving pleasure, you can't beat the LX4/6. So tossable, driftable, and fun to drive. The LX6 is as easy to drive now as the LX4 used to be, now the LX4 makes you feel invincible. I'd say the LX6 around FE Black is my favorite combo.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
I just bought this game, for sure it's addictive!!!
96 GTS
S2 licensed
I'm guessing credits were probably removed from the game, they weren't used for anything anyway.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Use auto clutch

That's what I use with my DFP, and I think the majority of racers do as well, except those that actually have clutch pedals of course. You're not gaining anything shifting with a button clutch, and probably losing time actually
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :I hate dates

Why P5YcHoM4N is still single...
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from dUmAsS :bend it back?

btw, how did the idiot manage to kick the usb drive while it was plugged in?

I'm guessing he has front USB ports on the bottom of his case, and the computer sits on the floor...
96 GTS
S2 licensed
If I recall right, you need a game to be specifically programmed for the PhysX processor to be able to take advantage of it, correct?

It seems cool, but unless it benefits LFS, I'm not getting one
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :Driving "into" walls you say ??

ROFL, how did you do that?!
96 GTS
S2 licensed
first time through with $396

I need this game, not want, NEED